Minnie's Toddlers


24 children aged 3-6 years old. 

Preschool's Vision:

Our mission is to provide a service for the Community’s needs and to ensure sustainable growth in our organisation. We are passionate about working with children and excellent communicators. Give them access to education from a young age. We are reliable, committed and love challenges.

Principal's story:

Minnie’s Toddlers was started by my mom 10 years ago and we were registered in 2015. My mother had an extraordinary love for children. Her dream was to have a safe and nurturing space for the children.
These children were often parentless and the grandparents look after the children with the little that they have. My mom fell sick and passed on in 2016. She asked me to continue with her legacy and I do so with pride. I will continue with this vision until I can pass it on to one of my children.
I wake up every morning thinking about why I do what I do. I remember my mom and the many mommies that count on me. I like to help the parents because many of them have problems managing both their children and a hectic schedule at work. I am needed and this is what motivates me.

How to help:


We need fundraising champions. Get creative – run a marathon on your front yard, host a virtual high tea, do something amazing and encourage your friends and family to change the world through early learning.

We rely on volunteers to lend a helping hand when teachers are off sick. To work in the classroom you need an up-to-date security check.

Donate something from our wishlist:

A new roof as the roof leaks badly in the winter rains.
Cost: approx R90 000


Vegetable seeds and seedlings for our food garden

Vegetable seeds and seedlings for our food garden