Montessori Teacher Training Program

“Do not merely transmit knowledge, but take care of his life which has the possibility of bettering all life. It is a great thing to do, yet so simple.”

- Dr Maria Montessori, the 1946 London Lectures

Why the training program is vital

Vast inequality and inter-generational cycles of poverty are perpetuated by poor quality, or lack of, early childhood education. The first five years of a child’s life are critical years of brain development and proven to be the most cost effective stage in the education process to achieve optimal long term outcomes. Research shows that children who end up doing well have had at least one stable and committed relationship with a supportive adult.

A teacher is an anchor of self belief, confidence and hope. A good teacher is an influencer for change.

By enabling quality pre-school programs, you support children to gain skills across literacy, maths & social-emotional development, narrowing gaps in households with limited access to financial resources & educational opportunities.

Providing quality early childhood development can change attitudes and behaviour. It can open up opportunities for a better future.

Project Aim

Exponentially increase early literacy levels in Lavender Hill, better equipping children here to further their education, and so ultimately gain job skills and better access to work opportunities in the longer term.

What we have achieved so far

Montessori ECD Teacher Enrichment Training

Montessori ECD Teacher Enrichment Graduation

For every 1 teacher trained, 20 children enter basic education every year, better prepared with the foundational tools needed to succeed in their future learning.

How to help

By training Lavender Hill ECD teachers in Montessori teaching methods, and so stimulating a love of learning in 100 children per teacher trained over the course of each child’s 15-year school trajectory.


“This has changed my perspective as a person, mother and teacher. ”

“I changed a lot and now I'm able to control my emotions and observe the child. I'm also able to share the knowledge I’ve learnt. I became a better parent and teacher.”

“Montessori gave me a different view of the world and children. I’m really excited to learn even more.”