Media & Events
Not only are ECD centres enriching in poverty-stricken areas, but the centres also become a safe haven with warm meals and a place for young children to be young children.
The aim of telling these stories is to “highlight the importance of early childhood development and document a five-year journey of progress in quality early childhood development”, reads a statement by the organisers.
Leanne Reid from Learning in Reach shares a harrowing look at what will happen to South African children if Early Childhood Development (ECD) Centres are forced to remain closed.
Learning in Reach believes that community-led change can happen through creating interdependent, contributing, responsible adults by connecting every child to a Montessori empowered human.
The annual Big Book Wrap, organised by Learning in Reach, will see 1 000 books enter the homes of young learners in under-resourced communities across Cape Town, thanks to a generous donation.
We celebrated Graduation Day with our 1st cohort of Montessori Enrichment students.
This is the start of their journey. They are inspired and inspiring. They are determined and have achieved a great deal, but are destined for greater things still.
Let’s take a moment and contrast the cost of incarceration against the cost of education in a community like Lavender Hill on the Cape Flats.
The organisation Learning In Reach aims to introduce ‘calming corners’ at schools in Lavender Hill to help young children from the suburb to cope with trauma.
The work that will be carried out on Mandela Day, Thursday 18 July, is centred on the idea of creating calm in the classroom. The organisation will host workshops where volunteers can create sensory objects that will be used in classroom “calming corners”, at the schools that work with the NPO.

At Learning in Reach, Mandela Day is our biggest fundraiser and awareness campaign of the year and we strive to come up with innovative ways to get people involved in our projects in some tangible way.

Peace Day 2020
International Peace Day (21 September) is about individuals coming together – it’s about reducing all forms of violence: in our homes, schools, places of work and local communities. Peace starts with individual action, and small actions inspire others thereby creating larger impact.

Big Book Wrap 2019
In this season of giving, Learning in Reach aim to give a book to every pre-primary and primary school learner in Lavender Hill. We need your help!